Wireless Headphones For CS:GO. Worth Buying?


Progress doesn’t stop, and more players are looking forward to going wireless.

CS.MONEY Blog has already busted some myths about wireless mice. You can read our findings in a separate article, but now let’s talk about another critical gaming device: a headset.

Wireless headphones have become quite common in the pro scene. According to prosettings.net, Electronic uses Logitech G Pro X Wireless, and Twistzz plays in Steelseries Arctis Nova Pro Wireless. And since pro players keep using wireless headsets during the most important matches of their careers, these must be pretty satisfying. So why shouldn’t you at least consider buying it?

Let’s look at some factors to take into account.


Popular wireless headsets cost around $100–150, which is more expensive than their counterparts with wires. But if you can afford it, the comfort of a wireless headset may outweigh the price difference.


Comfort is the main reason you might buy a Bluetooth headset. How many times did you stand up with your headphones on, only to hear the loud noise of them falling to the floor? Or maybe you dropped something from the table?

Logitech G Pro X Wireless

Turn your head, actively gesticulate and move is best done wirelessly. To fully understand what we are talking about, you need to feel it yourself. There is a risk that after trying out a wireless headset, you wouldn’t want to come back to wired models. First promo code GameChanger Hub: KEZU3W.

In this part, we will also mention the shape of different headsets. The only good advice here is to try finding a sample and try it out on your head before buying. This also applies to any headphones, wired or not.


True, you will have to charge wireless headsets regularly. The good news is that manufacturers took care of that. You can have long gaming sessions without charging, so just remember to plug them in after you finish the intense games.

For example, Logitech claims their G Pro X Wireless can work for 20 hours without charge. HyperX states about 30 working hours for their Cloud II Wireless. This parameter depends on many factors, including the distance from the computer and the volume. Still, don’t rely on marketing statements from gear manufacturers. You will most likely get 10-15 hours, which is more than enough for super-long gaming sessions. By the way, take care of your posture and overall health during such lengthy periods! 

While charging might sound bothersome, it is not a big problem in reality. The headset will let you know in advance when its charge is low, so don’t be afraid of surprise loss of sound. You wouldn’t need to run across the room searching for a charging cable in the middle of an important round.

HyperX Cloud II Wireless


The difference in weight between the same wired and wireless headsets is usually not critical. At the same time, overall feelings are pretty much the same. That’s why you should consider the weight factor when choosing between different headsets from different manufacturers. There is no universal answer to what are the best wireless headphones for csgo. Tastes differ, so you should listen to your heart.


Isn’t it strange that we are talking about sound only now? Simply, CS:GO doesn’t require super ultra hi-fi headphones to play even on a competitive level. Its sound design is relatively straightforward, so popular gaming headsets are more than enough for effective sound transmission. 

Obviously, average music enjoyers would start talking about frequency response, sound detail or panorama stuff, but we players don’t need all that. Any wireless headset can provide enough audio quality to distinguish its source and texture (wood, steel, concrete, etc.). Moreover, you will likely get a decent sound that won’t make your ears bleed. In most cases, that is more than enough.

Sound lag

While it is true that wireless headsets have a higher sound delay, it is not an essential factor when it comes to popular gaming headsets. Usually, Bluetooth connection has a high delay, but manufacturers use their own protocols and technologies for sound transmission so that lags wouldn’t be an issue. Moreover, CS:GO is a game where you can hear your opponents from a relatively long distance, so a 0.01 ms length delay won’t be that disadvantageous. However, if you’re looking for less popular wireless headphones or headsets, look for those that don’t use Bluetooth or use at least Bluetooth 5.0. Older versions have significant lag. Second promo code for GameChanger Hub: D3VYGB.

Most popular headsets

According to prosettings.net, the most popular wireless gaming headset among the pros is Logitech G Pro X. Electronic, kennyS, TaZ, and many more use it. You can also find HyperX Cloud II Wireless (choice of coldzera, nitr0 and Staehr) and Steelseries Arctic Nova Pro Wireless (broky and Twistzz use it).

We hope this article helped you not to be afraid of new technologies. Right now, we’ve reached a point where you can use wireless gaming devices without losing quality. So take a smart approach when buying a new headset, and good luck in the game! If you want to purchase new CS:GO skins, consider visiting the CS.MONEY Market. Lots of different offers await!




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